Personal Umbrella Insurance

Extend Your Liability Limits

Your auto, home, watercraft, or recreational vehicle policies may not provide enough liability coverage should you experience a major claim. Personal umbrella coverage provides additional liability coverage to ensure you are protected from the unexpected. Umbrella insurance covers not just the policyholder, but also other members of your family or household.

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An Extra Layer of Protection

Personal Umbrella Insurance is an extra layer of protection added to your other liability insurance policies. It provides coverage for injuries that occur on the property, property damage liability, libel or slander, certain lawsuits, and personal liability situations. It’s a low-cost way to get significant extra liability coverage and protect your finances.

It helps pay your expenses in several situations, such as:

  • You are sued for alleged libel or slander.
  • Your dog bites a neighbor, and you are being held financially responsible for the injuries.

If any of the below situations occur and you are held legally liable umbrella protection can help cover your excess costs. 

  • Injuries to someone else (excess bodily injury).
  • Damage to someone else's property (property damage liability)
  • Damage resulting from things like libel or slander or wrongful eviction (personal injury)


What is Personal Umbrella Insurance?

A type of personal liability insurance that offers additional coverage and extends beyond your regular auto, homeowners, or watercraft policy coverage. It can be a separate policy or an addition to your current policy. Umbrella insurance can provide coverage for injuries, property damage liability, certain lawsuits, and personal liability situations

How a Personal Umbrella Policy can help you and your family.

Here are some of the ways an umbrella policy can help if the liability limits of your homeowner’s insurance or auto insurance are exhausted before a claim or lawsuit against you are completely paid:

  • Your teen causes a car accident. Your teenage son causes a collision with damages that exceed your auto insurance property damage liability and bodily injury liability limits. Your auto insurance liability limits may not be high enough to cover the injured party’s medical expenses and lost income while they recover.
  • Fire damage to your neighbor. While cooking, you leave your stove unattended. In addition to damaging your property, the fire also damages your neighbor’s property and injures your neighbor. You may have to pay for any repairs to your neighbor’s dwelling in addition to any injury claims.
  • Injured guests need ongoing care. You have a guest who slips and falls at your house, resulting in back surgery and ongoing rehab. You are responsible for their medical costs, but the cost of care will exceed the limits of your homeowners policy. A personal umbrella policy could help cover the medical bills.

What does umbrella insurance cover?

  • Additional liability (over the limits of your auto, home, watercraft, or recreational vehicle policy).
  • $1 million in coverage, with higher limits available.
  • Coverage for those living in your household.
  • Worldwide protection.

What is not covered by a personal umbrella policy?

Keep in mind, a personal umbrella insurance policy does not cover every claim. For example, it will not cover losses related to your business. You would need a commercial umbrella insurance policy to cover those losses. Typically, a personal umbrella policy does not provide coverage for:

  • Your injuries or damage to your personal property and belongings.
  • A criminal or intentional action causing damage to someone else.
  • Losses from your business operation.
  • Contract issues that lead to someone suing your business.

Who is covered by a personal umbrella policy?

It will cover not only just the policyholder but other members of the household or family. This typically includes your spouse, children, dependents, and any other relatives living with you. Some exclusions may apply though so be sure to speak with your agent to find out which members of your household may qualify for umbrella protection.

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You may also call (919) 781-1973 to speak to an agent. Requesting a quote is not a guarantee of coverage. All coverages are subject to the terms, conditions, and exclusions of the actual policy issues. Not all policies or coverages are available in every state. 

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